Solar-powered pond pump

More and more solar-powered pond pumps are popping up. What is it and what are the advantages and disadvantages? Can I use this pond pump in my pond and will it also work at night? Also, is a solar pond pump better for the environment than a normal pond pump that I connect to the mains? In this article we will answer all these questions and at the end you will know: is a solar pond pump suitable for me?

1. What is a solar pond pump?

Voorbeeld van een vijverpomp op zonne-energie met bijbehorend zonnepanneel

To get water moving in your pond, you need a pump. With a pond pump you can ensure that water flows to a pond filter, UV-c device, waterfall or fountain. A pump is often in operation day and night for this purpose and can therefore consume a lot of power. This power normally comes from the mains.

By buying a special pond pump with a solar panel (also sometimes called a solar pond pump ), you can run your pond pump directly on energy from the sun. Thus, you no longer need to use power from the mains and you can save energy on your energy bill. However, a pond pump on solar energy is not always cheaper or the most sustainable solution for your pond. In this article, we explain the pros and cons.

2. The pros and cons of a solar pond pump

A pond pump that works with a solar panel has a number of advantages and disadvantages. We list them for you below:


  • You do not need to lay a power cable between your pond pump and wall outlet
  • Places that are far from an electrical outlet can still easily be supplied with a pump.
  • You save energy on your power bill because the pond pump gets its energy from a solar panel


  • You have a visible solar panel next to your pond
  • It is not always cheaper, because you also have to pay for the (expensive) solar panel and the battery
  • The pond pump does not work at night because the sun is not shining then. Your pond is not moving then. You need a battery
  • The power of a pond pump with solar panel is often very low. Usually you can move less than 1,000 liters / hour

3. Power of solar pond pump

When choosing a pump on solar energy, it is important to determine what you need the pump for and how much power it uses. The size of your pond and height differences are also important in this regard. Power on solar energy is often limited because the energy generated by the solar panel is often low.

The most common models have a capacity between 200 and 1,000 liters per hour. This capacity depends on how much the sun shines and how high the water needs to be brought.

Use as a fountain
Most solar-powered pond pumps come with a fountain set. This allows you to use the output directly as a fountain. The advantage is that you do not need to connect any further hoses to the pump and have no loss in power. However, it may be that with less sunshine the fountain strength is reduced and thus looks less beautiful.

Use for UV-c device
Use for UV-c device we strongly advise against. The reason is that a UV-c device should not run dry. If the water supply is cut off, a UV-c device may overheat.

Usefor filter
Use for filter we strongly discourage. The reason for this is that you prefer to run a filter day and night. Fluctuations in operation can greatly slow the effectiveness of your filter.

Use for waterfall or stream
You can connect the output of your pond pump to a waterfall or stream. You can calculate how much power you need for this using our waterfall capacity selection guide. For most waterfalls a solar-powered pump will not provide enough output to create a beautiful waterfall. The height difference for this is usually too high.

4. Is a solar pond pump better for the environment?

A solar pond pump uses renewable energy directly: the sun. This ensures that no "dirty" energy needs to be generated to run your pond pump. However, there are a few ifs and buts.

Battery from polluting materials
Some solar pumps also come with a battery. This ensures that it can work at night (provided it is sufficiently charged). However, a battery often contains lithium. Extracting lithium can be polluting, so producing a solar pond pump can be worse for the environment.

Extra solar panel with produced
An extra solar panel will be supplied with your pond pump. These solar panels are often of poor quality and low efficiency, but they cost money to produce.

Do you already have your own solar panels on your roof? Then it is better to use a normal pond pump with a plug here and benefit from the energy generated on your roof.

5. Save energy with a pond pump

To save energy and money on your monthly energy bill, you don't necessarily have to buy a solar pond pump. It can already be advantageous to buy a new generation energy-efficient pond pump. These can still generate high power at lower energy consumption.

Tips to save energy with your pond pump

  • Buy a new generation energy-efficient pond pump
  • Buy an adjustable pond pump to match the power to exactly what you need.
  • Buy an all-in-one pond filter kit that allows you to filter your entire pond with one product
  • Turn off your pond pump in the winter if your pond allows it
  • Turn off your pond pump at night with a timer if your filtration system allows it. Be sure to turn off the UV-c device immediately as well.
  • Turn your fountain off when you are on vacation or put it on a timer to keep the aeration on.

Read all tips and more on saving energy with your pond pump

6. Conclusion

It can be very convenient to buy a solar pond pump. We have named the advantages and disadvantages and

When to choose a solar pond pump:

  • You have a small pond and want to put a small fountain in it
  • You have no outlet near your pond
  • You have no solar panels on your roof
  • You do not have a green power subscription and want to save on your monthly costs

Why not choose a solar pond pump:

  • You need a lot of power for e.g. a filter, UV-c, fountain or waterfall
  • You need to run the pump day and night
  • You own solar panels on your roof and can benefit from them during the day
  • You choose an energy-efficient pond pump and save money
  • You already have a sustainable energy subscription

Calculate energy costs of your pond pump