Pond maintenance during all seasons: what to do in spring, summer, fall and winter?

A pond is a wonderful addition to your garden that can add to the relaxation and enjoyment around your home throughout the year. A pond changes with the seasons. With proper planning and maintenance, you can enjoy your pond throughout all of these seasons.

In this article, we'll take you through the changes of weather in the four seasons and their impact on your pond. We'll show you what tasks you need to perform during the four seasons to keep your pond healthy and optimal. Want detailed information on what maintenance to do in each season? Then click through to the detailed maintenance page for spring, summer, fall and winter for each season.

1. Impact of the weather on your pond

In the Netherlands and Belgium we have to deal with the four seasons. During these seasons we have to deal with different weather conditions. For example, the temperature and the number of hours of sunshine have a direct effect on the eco-system of your pond. But also the change to autumn with the falling of the leaves can have a big impact on your pond. The following things all change during the four seasons.

  • Water temperature
    Changing water temperatures affect the ecosystem in your pond. The ecosystem works harder in warmer temperatures and goes on a slow down during the winter. In winter, your pond may even freeze. It is then important to keep a wak open so that harmful gases can escape and oxygen continues to get into your pond.
  • Weather & wind
    When autumn comes and leaves begin to fall from the trees, they can end up in your pond along with other green waste. If not collected they will end up at the bottom of your pond. Here they will slowly decompose and can add many pollutants to your pond. With a skimmer, you can easily catch these falling leaves and twigs in the fall.
  • Water parameters
    The parameters in your pond can change throughout the year. Rising temperatures and sunlight hours can boost your ecosystem. This can lead to sudden algae growth or change in parameters such as pH, ammonia, nitrates and nitrites. Test your pond carefully for these parameters and return your filter to maximum setting as soon as temperatures rise. You can counteract extreme algae growth by rendering it harmless using agents or a UV-c device.
  • Fish care
    The metabolism of your fish changes throughout the four seasons. Therefore, adjust your feeding pattern throughout the seasons. In winter, you hardly need to feed at all and in spring you need to feed a bit more. A feeder can help you adjust the diet easily. A higher metabolism ensures that your fish will also defecate more. This in turn leads to higher pollution which must be properly filtered.
  • Plant growth
    The plants in your pond are also affected by the four seasons. Growth will increase when temperatures rise again and the sun shines more. In winter, leaves may die and need to be removed. Also, some plants need more additives such as fertilizer.

Keep all these factors in mind when maintaining your pond throughout the four seasons. This will ensure that you can enjoy a healthy and beautiful pond throughout the year.

2. Maintenance schedule of your pond during four seasons.

During all four seasons your pond requires maintenance. In some seasons a little more than in others. Especially in spring you can be a little busy getting your pond ready for the season. In the diagram below you can see the complete schedule of maintenance steps you need to perform during these seasons. Further on in this article we have briefly explained what maintenance you need to do per season. Would you like to know in detail what maintenance to do per season? Take a look at the specific articles for spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Activity Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Water treatment
- Check and improve water quality X X X
- Add water quality agents as needed X X
Fish & plant care
- Add new fish & plants X X
- Adding fertilizer for plants X X
- Removal and storage of floating plants X
- Pruning of pond border plants X
- Reduction of feeding fish X X
Physical maintenance of pond
- Cleaning and repair of winter damage X
- Removal of debris & trash X X X X
- Adding shade for cooling X
- Install net or skimmer for leaves X
Pond equipment maintenance
- Replacing UV-c bulbs & filter mats X
- Inspect and repair equipment X X X X
- Winter storage of pond equipment X X

3. Pond maintenance in spring

Temperatures are rising again, the sun is shining more and nature is awakening: spring is here! This season brings with it plenty of happiness and life, including in the pond in your garden. After a winter in which little often happens in your pond, now is the time to enjoy your pond to the fullest again. Make sure that you start your preparations in time so that when the first warmer days arrive, you are completely ready.

With the onset of spring, it is especially important that you repair the damage to your pond caused over the winter. For example, think about removing dead pond plants and leaves. Furthermore, you can now add new pond plants and fish to your pond. Also, pond equipment, which were reduced in power over the winter, can be returned to full power. In addition, many other things are important to perform in the spring. For that, read our complete guide to spring maintenance at the link below.

Complete pond maintenance in spring

4. Pond maintenance in summer

Temperatures are at their warmest and the pond can be completely in the sun. Also, the period of vacations has arrived. In summer, it is important to keep an eye on the water quality. Any filter systems are already well in place, but increase in temperatures can cause water to pollute very quickly. Therefore, water changes should be done more often in the summer to keep the water healthy.

When you go on vacation, it is important that your pond still continues to work. You can ask friends, family or neighbors to take care of your pond. Fish can be fed automatically with a feeder. A fountain can be set on a timer so that it still provides aeration in your pond during the day.

In addition, in the summer, of course, the main thing is to enjoy your pond! Butterflies and dragonflies descend on beautiful plants such as water lilies.

Complete pond maintenance in summer

5. Pond maintenance in autumn

Temperatures drop and the leaves begin to fall from the trees. It can also sometimes be quite stormy and rainy in the fall. All factors of weather that can impact your pond. In the fall, you are at the tipping point from your living pond to a pond going into hibernation. Proper maintenance and preparation in the fall, will help you get your pond through the winter well.

Leaves falling into your pond can cause a spike in pollutants. So be sure to catch them with a scoop net or skimmer. This way you keep the water in your pond clean and healthy.

At the end of autumn when the temperatures go towards zero, you can reduce and sometimes even eliminate filtration of your pond. UV-c devices are often no longer necessary.

Complete pond maintenance in autumn

6. Pond maintenance in winter

The days get darker and temperatures can drop below freezing. Winter has arrived. A time of winter fun and the holidays. But also a time when you need to pay close attention to the health of your pond. The life in and around your pond goes into hibernation for a while and also in terms of maintenance you don't have to do much to your pond. Fish hardly need to be fed.

Installations in your pond can be (partially) switched off, but we always recommend keeping some flow in your pond. With an adjustable pond pump you can easily set your filter and flow to a lower setting. This way you also save in energy costs.

When it starts to freeze, it is important to keep a small wak in your pond. You can do this with an aeration pump, ice-free holder or for larger ponds an aeration fountain.

Complete pond maintenance in winter